Monday, November 28, 2022

An Overview of the 2022 Turkey Wattle Waddle

2022 Overview:

Congratulations and thank you to all who were able to participate in the Thanksgiving Turkey Wattle Waddle this year. Hope you had fun! It was great to hear from everyone, learn about your holiday celebration and see all the good efforts. For anyone who missed it, there’s always next year, hope you’ll join in.

After tallying up what you’ve sent me I’m happy to report that the Wattle Waddle covered over almost 139 MILES!

This year we have much to be thankful for and many prospects for better times ahead. Among the extended family we have some new homes, new jobs, new babies--and hopefully more to come!

This year we were joined by a new friend - Isabella Coquis in Fort Myers, and once again our old friend - Hayden Schoen (aka Hayden the Elder, or Hayden the White) who is Hayden (the Younger)’s dad in Chicagoland.

 Here are some highlights results:

  • We had people Waddling across the country – from New England to California – and many points in between.
  • There were 28 Wattle Waddlers ranging from the old folks, adults, teens, an infant, June (with help of course) and dogs!
  • Walking was the most common activity, but there was also a little pickle ball and gardening.
  • Many of the Fort Myers, FL crew and I ran in formal Thanksgiving Day Road Races (the Paseo and Troy Turkey Trots respectively)
  • Nancy Talsky in Pompano Beach, FL, was again our most senior and most elegant Waddler (and probably one of the fittest!)

Suffice to say, we all burned a LOT of calories during our Waddles (and ideally more than we took in!)

Here’s how things compare for the past three years:

2020:     130.7 miles / 26 participants

2021:     153.51 miles / 33 participants

2022:     138.75 miles / 28 participants

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