Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Hey -- it's November and you know what that means -- saints' days, 
election days, veterans days, birthdays and holidays (and way too early Christmas commercials/music on tv/radio).

Speaking of holidays--Thanksgiving (my favorite) is coming soon. Yet another chance to continue our family/friends virtual turkey trot -- which I've started calling the Wattle Waddle...(y'know, ðŸ¤”I'll gladly change the name to Gobble Wobble or something else if there is popular support from everyone for that)

As I've explained before, the Wattle Waddle has its origins in a casual family tradition from the late 20th century of taking a long walk or going for a run on Thanksgiving. This idea later merged with participating in community-sponsored turkey trots around the country. 

Since our extended families rarely are together for this holiday, we started doing our own trot VIRTUALLY between 15-20 years ago. This is a great way to stay connected, getin some fitness before the feast, and be mindful of the blessings of health and people who care about us.

In its current iteration, the Wattle Waddle virtual turkey trot has been going strong since 2020. Here’s how things have gone for the past three years:

2020:     130.7 miles / 26 participants
2021:     153.51 miles / 33 participants
2022:     138.75 miles / 28 participants

Everyone is welcome to take part -- babies, toddlers, kids, adults young and old, AND dogs! (cat's are allowed too, but good luck with that).  PLEASE INVITE ANYONE AND EVERYONE to join us in a a little fun and exercise during Thanksgiving! Doesn't matter how you do it or how far or fast you are--just get out there and waddle!


1. Get your "Waddle on” anytime from Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, 11/23/2023 through Saturday, 11/25/2023. 
2.  SEND ME YOUR INFORMATION AND I'LL TALLY IT UP!  (Via EMAIL or TEXT) barbato.bob@gmail.com Mobile: 518-478-3693
Photos and videos are most welcome too.

3. Info needed is: 
·         LOCATION - where did you do your Wattle Waddle?
·         ACTIVITY – what did you do?
o   WALK
o   RUN
o   BIKE
o   OTHER (anything aerobic will work)
·      DISTANCE – how far did you Waddle?  Estimates are okay.
Otherwise just tell me the Time (Duration) or Steps (if you use a Fitbit or compatible device) and I'll make a conversion to athe distance in miles

Also, if you'd like to have a Wattle Waddle participant bib number (like thgraphic embedded) let me know.  Print it out and wear it or use it in selfies.